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VPNs and Net Neutrality

Writer's picture: Ang.PetrovaAng.Petrova

Updated: Jan 9, 2020

VPNs and Net Neutrality
VPNs and Net Neutrality

Since the FCC rolled back its net neutrality rules, people fret about what it will mean for the internet and streaming services in particular. In a world without net neutrality, ISPs could throttle Netflix and speed up their own video streaming services.

The ISPs could also charge Netflix for better speeds to customers, or even require customers to pay to access specific online services—including Netflix.

There has been a lot of discussion about whether or not VPNs can save net neutrality. When your traffic goes through the VPN's encrypted connection, the thinking goes, your ISP won't be able to push you into slow lanes, or block access to certain services. That might be the case, but it will all depend on how the ISPs decide to engage with this newly deregulated market.

Besides, it would be much better to have Congress protect against unfair and unscrupulous control of internet access than try to skirt the issue with software.

Beyond Netflix

While Netflix is among the most popular streaming services, it is by no means the only service to block VPN users. Anecdotally, we can say that Hulu is almost as aggressive at blocking VPN users as Netflix.

We've also found that mobile games struggle to work properly when we use a VPN. And local streaming schemes, like Google's Cast feature, are out of the question simply because your traffic is being routed out of your local network. Note, however, that some VPN services do include options to allow local traffic, potentially enabling Cast and AirPlay features.

Using a VPN can also have weird side effects for web browsing. If you use a VPN server in another country, it's very likely that you'll find yourself visiting localized versions of those sites. Google is particularly good about loading up a localized version of its search page depending on your IP address. It's a minor issue, but it can sometimes mean that the content you want is inaccessible as long as your VPN is running.

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